Years ago I helped a friend put up a one room log cabin at Donner Lake, CA. It was an experience I’ll never forget and though not as set away as Walden Pond, keeps me searching for that simple life in the woods – well actually anywhere. So whenever I come across something that tickles that memory, I have to take a look and share.
Hand crafted in the the United States of natural materials in an environmentally and ecologically conscious design, seeing “Escape” transports me to my own, more contemporary version of Walden Pond! Though portable it is not an RV – just easy to set it up at your happy place. Huffington Post says, “If it looks like a charming cabin, is structured like a charming cabin and is designed like a charming cabin, it must be a charming cabin.” This simple yet elegant version of a charming cabin has me thinking seriously of making that dream of simplicity come true! To learn more click on “Escape“.